CDC Tips® National Ad By Continues
The 2018 Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTips from Former Smokers® campaign kicked off in April and will be on-air for 25 weeks. Ads will run on national television, in magazines, and online. New ads, in addition to ads from previous campaigns, will run.
Additional campaign resources:
– Two new Tips® webpages to help smokers quit: “Five Reasons Why Calling a Quitline Can Be Key to Your Success” and “Top 10 Questions People Ask About Quitlines.”
– The CDC Tips® website has free digital, social media, and print materials (available in English and Spanish) that you can use to share campaign messages and promote cessation.
– Free materials can be found in the Tips® Download Center, including low-resolution TV, radio, online, print, and out-of-home ads, as well as public service announcements.
Quitline Continues Free NRT Offer
The Nebraska Tobacco Quitline is still offering a two-week supply of over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) at no cost for medically qualified participants. Offer continues while supplies last or until June 15. For more information, visit or call the Quitline at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669). For Spanish call, 1-855-DÉJELO-YA (335-3569).
“I Finally Realized the Big Picture… I Said, That’s It, I am Done, I Quit!”

Christine started smoking in high school to fit in and continued to smoke for many years. She was diagnosed with oral cancer in her early 40s. She lost her teeth and had half of her jaw removed. In this video, Christine talks about the moment when she finally realized the effects of smoking-year after year and cigarette after cigarette-and decided to quit.
SmokefreeVET Offers Toolkit to Help Veterans in VA Care Quit Tobacco
The Veterans Administration (VA) and National Cancer Institute have teamed up to develop a printable toolkit to support veterans in VA care to quit tobacco. The toolkit can help health care providers and veterans understand the resources available. The toolkit is available here.
Study Examines Point-of-Sale E-Cig Advertising & Socio-Demographics
Research recently published in the Journal of Primary Medicine examines point-of-sale practices in Omaha. The study found higher levels of e-cigarette advertising in areas with lower median household incomes, higher percentage of Hispanics, and higher percentages of young adults. Read more here.
CDC Releases State Fact Sheets
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) recently shared an updated resource–the National Tobacco Control Program (NCTP) State Fact Sheets. The fact sheets can be found here.
New Resource Helps Partners Navigate the Preemption Doctrine
The Public Health Law Center has released a new resource called Untangling the Preemption Doctrine in Tobacco Control to help tobacco control advocates navigate preemption within their states. The resource can be found here. Additional information on preemption is available here.
FDA Takes New Enforcement Action to Stop Youth Access to JUUL
The FDA recently announced new enforcement actions and a Youth Prevention Plan to stop youth use of, and access to, JUUL and other e-cigarettes. Read the statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D. here.
More information & resources
- JUUL Labs and Iowa AG Tom Miller announced joint initiative regarding underage use. Read more here.
- Report Potential Tobacco Violations to the FDA here.
JUUL Gains Popularity Among Youth, Nicotine Awareness Remains Low
Since 2016, JUUL has surged in popularity with young people and as of April 2018 has taken more than half of the e-cigarette market share. According to this article from the Truth Initiative, 63% of those using JUUL do not know that the product always contains nicotine. Read more here.
FDA and FTC Issue Warning Letters to Vaping Companies Targeting Kids
The Food and Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission have teamed up against the makers of e-liquids resembling candy, juice boxes and other kid-friendly products in the latest step toward federal regulation. Read more here.
Rate of Exposure to Indoor Tobacco Smoke Studied for U.S. Kids & Adults
Data published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, examines rate of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke from various indoor environments among U.S. children and nonsmoking teens and adults. Read more here.
Publication Focuses on Improving Health & Well-Being in Rural America
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have recently released the prepublication version of Achieving Rural Health Equity and Well-Being: Proceedings of a Workshop.
As pointed out in this document, rural areas have histories, economies and cultures that differ from those of cities and from one rural location to another. Understanding these differences is crucial to improving health and reducing health disparities among rural populations. A link to download the publication can be found here.
Fear, Sadness & Hope: Which Emotions Maximize Anti-Tobacco Messaging?
Findings from a study published in the Journal of Health Communication suggest anti-tobacco messaging that elicit feelings of fear are more effective across all socioeconomic groups than message evoking sadness. Read more here.
Financial Strain, Quit Attempts and Smoking Cessation Among Smokers
According to research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, financially strained smokers made slightly more quit attempts than non-strained smokers. However, the data did not show a greater success rate. Read more here.