Answers About Tobacco

TFN E-News Update / March 2019

FDA Commissioner Gottlieb Resigns, Guidance on E-Cigarettes Issued

The recent unexpected resignation of FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb raised concern that the FDA’s efforts to halt the youth e-cigarette epidemic could stall. Then the FDA appointed former National Cancer Institute Director Ned Sharpless as acting FDA Commissioner and released draft guidance on e-cigarettes. The guidance proposed concrete steps to address the epidemic by outlining agency priorities on flavored e-cigarettes. Read more in a blog from the Public Health Law Center here.

New Year of Cessation Briefing Document Provides Overview, Action Items

CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health has released a Year of Cessation briefing document. The document includes background and key points for engaging stakeholders. Read more here.

Public Input Needed on Revised Guidance About Investigational Tobacco Products

The FDA has issued a revised draft guidance titled Use of Investigational Tobacco Products. This supersedes the original guidance released in September 2015. The FDA reviewed comments received on the original draft and reworded information that could be potentially confusing or misinterpreted. For more information and to submit comments before work begins on the final version, click here. Comments due April 22.

MMWR Focuses on E-Cigarette Use Before, During and After Pregnancy

CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health and the Office on Smoking and Health have released an article in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). The data shows that although electronic vapor products (EVPs) typically contain nicotine, 1 in 15 women who recently gave birth in Oklahoma and Texas reported using EVPs. Read more here.

Creating Partnerships Between Public Health Agencies and Faith Communities

A special section published in the American Journal of Public Health highlights the wide range of existing and potential partnerships between public health agencies and faith communities. Read more here.

Study Shows Retail Strategies Have Different Effects in Rural & Urban Markets

A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, analyzed tobacco retailer exposure among adolescent boys in rural and urban regions of Ohio. Based on the findings researchers suggest limited tobacco marketing in retail environments may be more effective in rural areas, while limiting location and number of tobacco retailers may be more impactful in urban areas. Read more here.

FTC Report: Tobacco Industry Spends Billions on Point-of-Sale Marketing

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has released a report showing just how much the tobacco industry spends to keep cigarettes and smokeless tobacco cheap and visible at the point of sale. In 2017, the tobacco companies spent over $7.3 billion marketing and promoting cigarettes and smokeless tobacco at the point of sale. Read more here.

Free NRT Continues Through the Quitline

Promotional fliers are available to download and share with partners:

Smoking Can Cause Buerger’s Disease

April is Limb Loss Awareness Month. In this Tips from Former SmokersĀ® ad Brandon describes losing his foot, fingers, and other body parts to Buerger’s disease, a disorder linked to smoking.

Vaping Increasing in Popularity Among Troops, Surpasses Cigarettes

The rate of smoking among military service members has plummeted in recent years and now appears to be lower than the general civilian population at large, according to an analysis of the most recent survey of troops regarding their health-related behaviors. Read more here.

New Cessation Resource Available for Mental Health Providers

The Public Health Law Center and the Kansas National Alliance on Mental Illness have recently released an implementation toolkit of practical approaches and policy resources for mental health and substance use providers. Read more here. Download the toolkit here.

Truth Initiative Highlights Disparities in Tobacco Use Among Women

Although data shows overall the use of cigarettes in the United States is declining, it also highlights disparities in smoking rates between genders. A new webpage and infographic from the Truth Initiative focuses on this information. Read more here.

Analysis: Smoke-Free Policies, Cessation Coverage Among Workforce Industries

Workplace tobacco control interventions reduce smoking and secondhand smoke exposure among U.S. workers. According to a study published in the Journal of Preventative Medicine, lower smoke-free policy coverage and higher tobacco use in certain industries suggests opportunities for future workplace tobacco control interventions. Read more here.

New CDC Smokefree Resources for Multi-Unit Housing Properties

CDC has released new English and Spanish flyers targeting tenets in multi-unit housing regarding smokefree policy and resources to help quit tobacco. HUD recently sent these to all Public Housing Authority Executive Directors. Additional resources for organizations serving public housing residents can be found here.