Cooling E-cigarette Flavor Use Among High School Students
Cooling sensations produced by flavor additives such as menthol enhance appeal of e-cigarettes among youth, but not all e-liquids that produce cooling sensations are labeled as menthol.
For decades the tobacco industry has marketed menthol flavored tobacco products with no restriction on the flavor. What’s more is they are targeting youth by advertising products with menthol because it has shown to facilitate smoking initiation and nicotine intake.
Read the full article HERE.
The Impact of Smoke-Free Air Laws
The ANR Foundation announced their most recent quarterly update to the lists and maps of U.S. municipalities and states with smoke-free laws now in effect.
For more information on the American Nonsmokers Rights Foundation, and to see more of their smoke-free data and maps visit them directly at
Youth an E-Cigarettes
The CDC offers information about e-cigarettes and how to prevent use by young people. Find free resources to help guide an informed e-cigarette discussion with youth, including fact sheets and free downloadable resources, at
November 2021 Opportunities to discuss reasons for quitting include:
- American Diabetes Month – see Bill’s Tip (CDC Tips from former smoker)
- Lung Cancer Awareness Month – Lung Health Barometer (American Lung Association)
- COPD Awareness Month – see Becky’s Tip (CDC Tips from former smoker)
A Tip From Former Smoker® – Bill’s Story
Bill B. shares his real story of being diabetic and a smoker. By the age of 40, Bill had experienced leg amputation, kidney failure, lost sight in one of his eyes, had heart surgery, all due to the combination of diabetes and smoking.
During American Diabetes Month Tobacco Free Nebraska wants to shed light on the deadly strain that your body is put through when adding smoking on top of a chronic disease.
Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit QuitNow.Ne.Gov to reach a trained quit coach and make a plan to quit tobacco for good.