Making an Impact One Story at a Time: 10 Years of Tips From Former Smokers®

- Use this robust list of Tips® and Cessation Messaging Resources to assist in message development.
- Share CDC’s “10 Years of Tips®” article with your partners and networks
- Use the updated Tips® social media content to enhance your organization’s social media content page
- Continue to promote Tips® through social media posts, emails to listservs, information posted to websites, and stories featured in local media.
If you have questions, reach out to Ashley Wolfe at 402-471-0777 or
Stopping Menthol, Saving Lives: Ending Big Tobacco’s Predatory Marketing to Black Communities
FDA Issues Update on Premarket Review Process and Plans for 2021
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a perspective piece from Mitch Zeller, director of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products, outlining where the agency is in the premarket review process and plans for the coming year. In it, he notes that they have processed applications for 4.8 million products from 230 companies.
AJPM Offers Special Supplement Highlighting Quitlines’ Success
To coincide with the launch of this year’s Tips From Former Smokers campaign, CDC is also releasing a special supplement in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine (AJPM) focusing on the role of tobacco quitlines. The articles in the supplement address how quitlines have been able to reach, adapt, tailor and innovate to serve more than 10 million Americans since 2004.
New Tips From Former Smokers ad: Denise & Brian H. – Time Together
Use of E-Cigarettes & Progression Toward Daily Smoking
A recent study published in the journal, Pediatrics, highlights data from the US Population of Tobacco and Health Study. The data showed that youth who tried multiple tobacco products before age 18 had a 15% greater risk of progressing to daily cigarette use than youth who tried only one.
American College Health Association Addresses E-cigarette Policies
A white paper published by the American College Health Association argues that college campuses have a unique opportunity to enact policies and interventions to discourage e-cigarette use in college communities.