Lincoln Public Schools Joins JUUL Lawsuit: Seeks prevention funding, injunction to stop youth marketing
According to a Lincoln Journal Star article, Lincoln Public Schools is the first Nebraska school district to join 250 districts across the country in suing Juul Labs. The suit is part of a federal effort to hold Juul accountable for creating a highly addictive product and targeting young people with fruity and minty flavors and easily concealed pods.
CDC: E-Cig Use Declining Among Youth
A CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) analysis of 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey data showed high school and middle school students reporting lower past 30-day e-cigarette use than in 2019. FDA also published a summary of this data, complete with infographics.
Take Down Tobacco Day Goes Virtual
Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action (formerly Kick Butts Day) will be an interactive, virtual national event held April 1. More information and event registration will be posted on the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids website later this month.
Save the Dates: TFN 2021 Quarterly Meetings Schedule
- Quarter 1 – Wednesday, February 24th, 2021; 9:00 – 10:30 A.M. (CST)
- Quarter 2 – Tuesday, April 27th, 2021; 9:00 – 10:30 A.M. (CST)
- Quarter 3 – Thursday, July 29th, 2021; Time TBA
- Quarter 4 – Wednesday, October 20th, 2021; Time TBA
Truth Examines How Youth View the Tobacco Industry in New Report
Tobacco industry efforts to overhaul its reputation as it recruits a new generation of tobacco users are failing, according to new research from Truth Initiative. The report called Seeing Through Big Tobacco’s Spin, shows young adults aren’t buying into the industry’s attempt to position itself as part of the public health solution. This report expands upon Truth’s 2019 report, Spinning a New Tobacco Industry.
New Research: Cost Effectiveness of the Tips From Former Smokers® Campaign
According to a research brief published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, during 2012−2018, the Tips From Former Smokers® campaign was associated with an estimated 129,100 avoided premature deaths. In addition, the campaign contributed to 803,800 life years gained, 1.38 million quality-adjusted life years gained, and $7.3 billion in healthcare sector cost savings.
Tiffany’s Tip: Some of the Surprising Things About Quitting
Tiffany didn’t think about all the ways smoking hurt her daily life until she quit. Then life quickly started getting better. Food tasted better. She had more energy and more confidence. And there was one big surprise. In this video she says, “The money I save from not smoking is absolutely great!
For more Tips from Former Smokers® stories visit:
CDC: A Comprehensive Approach to Increase Adult Tobacco Cessation
An editorial published in JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association highlights evidence on screening and treatment of tobacco-use by healthcare providers and reaffirmed the importance of action in preventing tobacco-related diseases.
PLACES Project: Providing Local Data for Better Health
A partnership between the CDC, CDC Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has resulted in the PLACES Project, an extension of the original 500 Cities Project. The project provides local area health information for every community in the United States, including estimates for smaller cities and rural areas that were previously unavailable.
FDA Sends Warning Letters to Ten E-Cigarette Manufacturers
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently sent warning letters to ten firms who manufacture and operate websites selling e-liquids, advising them to stop selling certain products that lack premarket authorization.