The BCTFC is here to provide businesses, healthcare organizations, outdoor services, and schools with resources and technical assistance to implement or enhance tobacco-free campus policies.
If you are interested in implementing a Tobacco-Free Policy for your business or school and need more information or assistance, please contact Sarah Godejohn ( or at 308-237-5113 ext. 265).

Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act
The Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act of 2008 required indoor workplaces in Nebraska to be smoke-free as of June 1, 2009. The law was expanded to include electronic smoking devices, which went into effect on November 14, 2020.
The purpose of the act is to protect the public health and welfare by prohibiting smoking in public places and places of employment.
The act eliminates smoking and the use of electronic smoking devices in enclosed indoor workspaces including restaurants, bars, keno establishments, other workplaces (retail/office space, manufacturing, etc.) and indoor public places.
Note: “Vapes” is a term often used to describe electronic smoking devices.