Answers About Tobacco

Top 10 Reasons

I will reduce my chances of having a heart attack or stroke. I will reduce my chances of getting lung cancer, emphysema, and other lung diseases. I will have better smelling clothes, hair, breath, home, and car. I will climb stairs and walk without getting out of breath. I will have fewer wrinkles. I will […]

A Real Impact

Ever wondered why we are constantly bombarded with messages that say “Don’t do drugs!”  “Drinking is bad!” “Smoking is dangerous!” and “Chewing is harmful!” Many of us have grown up accepting the fact that drugs and alcohol are bad, but most of us haven’t been educated enough to learn exactly why they are bad. If […]

Shatter the Myths

October 31st– November 6th is the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s “National Drug Facts Week”.  As part of this they have provided some interesting ideas and resources on their website that is specifically geared towards reaching out to youth.  One of which is “Drug Facts: Shatter the Myths” Q&A booklet that focuses on answering teens’ most frequently […]

Red Ribbon Week

Buffalo County Tobacco Free Coalition Recognizes Red Ribbon Week (Kearney) – Red Ribbon Week is celebrated to show support for healthy, drug-free communities and lifestyles.  This year’s 26th annual Red Ribbon Week is October 23-31. To help commemorate Red Ribbon Week, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Tobacco Free Nebraska program has updated […]

It’s Time to Quit

Quit tobacco for good with the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline! The toll-free Quitline, 1-800-784-8669 (1-800-QUIT-NOW), gives Nebraska residents 24/7, free access to counseling and support services. Calls are answered by trained cessation counselors who give you a choice  of services, including: telephone counseling; self-help materials; referrals to community programs; or a combination of these. All information […] EPIC means epic and therefore Booshawa means Epic.  Here’s the official Urban Dictionary Definition: Booshawa WHY BOOSHAWA? It’s simple, we think the things we are doing are epic but epic wasn’t an “edgy” enough word for us :P. Read on to find out what’s Booshawa about Peer Health and the Tobacco Free Coalition! As a sub-grantee […]