Answers About Tobacco

TFN E-News Update / May 24, 2021

Smoking-Related Healthcare Spending on the Rise:More than 50% of expense is funded by Medicare or Medicaid

In 2014, more than $225 billion of healthcare spending in the U.S. was attributed to adult cigarette smoking.
Cigarette smoking continues to be the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the U.S. Smoking also carries a tremendous economic burden, especially in the area of smoking-attributable healthcare spending.
A study published in Preventive Medicine breaks down and assesses smoking-attributable healthcare spending between 2010 and 2014 by insurance type and by medical service type.


ANRF: New Smoke-Free Maps and Lists

The American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation has released an updated map highlighting states and localities with smoke-free protections in place. Additional maps and resources highlighting U.S. tobacco control can be found on the ANRF website. Information available includes, but is not limited to, clean air, e-cigarettes, smoke-free colleges and tobacco sales in pharmacies.

New Glossary of Health Insurance Terms to Assist in Cessation Communication

The American Lung Association has released a new glossary of health insurance terms designed to help public health workers when talking about cessation coverage. This glossary touches on both private insurance and Medicaid.

Study: Tobacco Use Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health showed that a total of 28% of current tobacco users reported increasing their cigarette use during the COVID-19 pandemic. The most commonly reported reasons for increased use were increased stress, more time at home and boredom while quarantined. Nearly 15% reported decreasing their tobacco use. The most common reasons for reduced use were health concerns and more time around non-smokers (including children).

Contest: Expose Tobacco Industry Marketing Tactics in Your Area!

The tobacco industry spends nearly $1 million every hour to market their products – most of that at point-of-sale. Counter Tools is giving you the opportunity to help document and expose the tobacco industry’s marketing tactics with its 2021 Point-of-Sale Marketing Photo Contest. The contest goes May 17 – June 14 and winners get bragging rights and some swag. Feel free to share this opportunity with youth in your area. Anyone over 13 may participate.

Study of Census Tract Data and Tobacco Retailers Highlights Inequities

study published in Health Education and Behavior found that areas with a greater percentage of residents who are low-income had higher tobacco retailer density regardless of how density was measured. Neighborhoods with higher percentage of people who are Black, Hispanic or Latino and more vacant housing also faced disparities.

Tips From Former Smokers®: Beatrice, James, & Wilma – Cessation Tips

You can quit smoking! This inspiring TV ad features Beatrice, James and Wilma — three people who successfully quit smoking after many years. They share their practical tips on how to quit for good in this commercial from CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers® campaign.

Study: Smoking and Cessation Behaviors in Patients at FQHCs

Federally funded health centers (or FQHCs) provide care to the most vulnerable populations in the U.S., including populations with disproportionately higher smoking prevalence. A study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence showed that although current smokers report the desire to quit, low uptake on evidence-based treatment in federally funded health centers may reduce the number who attempt to quit and succeed. This study illustrates an opportunity to increase access to cessation treatment and improving population’s health.

CTFK and Truth Take Pulse on Public’s Opinion of Tobacco Industry

The tobacco industry has a long history of protecting its profits at the expense of people’s lives. As e-cigarettes put a new generation at risk of nicotine addition, the industry is continuously trying to transform its image and make it seem like they are part of the public health solution to end smoking. Truth and Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids surveyed the American public to see if the tobacco industry’s plan is working and reported the results.