Answers About Tobacco

TFN E-News Update / August 2019

FDA Still Seeking Submission of Reports Related to Seizures Following E-Cig Use

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is continuing its investigation to determine if there is a direct relationship between the use of e-cigarettes and a risk of seizure or other neurological symptoms. Read more here.

U.S. Adult Exposure to Court-Ordered Tobacco Industry Anti-Smoking Ads

In 2006, U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler ordered tobacco companies to make corrective statements through paid advertisement informing the public of their deceptive practices. The tobacco companies spent 11 years delaying and trying to weaken the statements.

The ads finally began running in newspapers and on T.V. in November 2017 and concluded in November 2018. According to a recent study published on JAMA Network Open, approximately 1 of 2 smokers report exposure to the ads. Read more here.

Nebraska Falls Short in 2019 ACSCAN How Do You Measure Up Report

The latest edition of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network’s “How Do You Measure Up?” report shows that smoking continues to be a cancer-causing concern for Nebraskans. The report showed the state is doing well in access to Medicaid, as well as palliative care, but falls short in cigarette tax, tobacco prevention funding and indoor tanning restrictions. Read more here.

FDA Launches Youth E-Cigarette Prevention TV Ads, New Resources

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has launched its first e-cigarette prevention TV ads to educate kids about the dangers of e-cigarette us. Expanding upon the existing Real Cost campaign, the FDA aims to reach nearly 10.7 million at-risk youth through TV, digital platforms, social media, in-school ads and posters nationwide. Read more here.

New posters will be sent to all high schools nationwide between August 15 and September 30, 2019. These posters are not available for order, but additional supporting resources can be found here.

U.S. and Military Surgeons General: Tobacco Use Threatens Military Readiness

The surgeons general of the Air Force, Army, Navy and United States are united in their concerns about high levels of tobacco product use among uniformed service-members. Read their statement published in Stars and Stripes here.

Truth Initiative Releases Updated State-Specific Fact Sheets on Tobacco

The Truth Initiative has updated fact sheets for all 50 states with graphics highlighting some of the key points. Topics covered include: cigarette use, other tobacco product use, economics of tobacco use and control, state tobacco laws and quitting statistics and benefits. Read more here.

Patterns of Nicotine Concentrations In E-Cigarettes Sold in U.S. on the Rise

According to an article published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, e-cigarettes with higher nicotine concentrations comprise a substantial and increasing portion of U.S. e-cigarette sales. There are positive and negative public health implications that could be seen as a result of this trend. Read more here.

Free NRT Continues Through the Quitline

Promotional fliers are available to download and share with partners:

Secondhand Smoke Exposure Triggers Jamason’s Severe Asthma Attacks

Jamason – I Didn’t Know Why I Couldn’t Breathe

In this Tips from Former SmokersĀ® story, Jamason and his mother Sherri talk about the day Jamason had to go to the hospital after having a severe asthma attack at work, triggered by exposure to secondhand smoke. Recounting the drive to the hospital, Sherri said, “I just held his hand, and told him just squeeze it every now and then so I know he’s breathing.”

Marital Status, Education Level, and Economic Status Could Influence Likelihood to Report Using E-Cigarettes

While e-cigarette use among teens is well-documented, less is known about adult users. A study recently published in Inquiry explores a series of sociodemographic factors and the use of e-cigarettes among adults in the U.S. Read more here.

Global Database of Tobacco Control Articles Available Through Johns Hopkins

Tobacco Watcher is a free resource available through Johns Hopkins University giving subscribers access to over 362k news sources–more than Google and other search engines. Users can also search tweets and Facebook posts and a variety of search and analysis options are also available. Read more here.

World Health Organization Releases Report on Global Tobacco Epidemic

The WHO report showed that while many governments are making progress in the fight against tobacco through smoking bans, graphic warnings on packaging and other tobacco control efforts, many countries are still not adequately implementing policies to help people quit tobacco and save lives. Read more here.

New Evidence Summary Released on Rural Tobacco Use and Point of Sale

While smoking rates continue to decline, significant disparities in smoking and tobacco use still exist. A new evidence summary from Counter Tobacco explains the trends in tobacco use between adults living in rural areas and those in urban, as well as what point-of-sale tobacco policies may help address rural tobacco use. Read more here.

Narrative Inquiry: What Low-Income Smokers Have Learned From Public Health

Health advocates have been working to educate the public about the harms of smoking for more than 50 years, however smoking rates have reduced more slowly among low socioeconomic populations. A study published in the American Journal of Health Behavior evaluates what information this population has received and suggests effective ways to reach them with cessation information. Read more here.

Truth Initiative Releases 2018 Annual Report Highlighting 20 Years of Work

The Truth Initiative 2018 annual report has been released and highlights the organization’s progress over the past 20 years as well as the work that still needs to be done to achieve their vision of creating a tobacco-free world for upcoming generations. Read more here.

Existence of Thirdhand Smoke Can Undermine Smoking Cessation Efforts

According to an article published in Addictive Behaviors, the existence of thirdhand smoke particles and house dust nicotine can often predict a relapse within 6 months of quitting smoking. Read more here.