For the second consecutive June, HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Home (OLHCHH) and its partners are holding National Healthy Homes Month (NHHM). The theme of NHHM, “Just What the Doctor Ordered,” amplifies the vital role that pediatricians play for target audiences. The NHHM Planning Guide was developed by OLHCHH as a “one stop shopping” resource to help organize and implement the outreach campaign. OLHCHH invites stakeholders to get involved with NHHM, by reaching out to your audiences based on the Guide and your missions. Details on the target audiences, educational materials, and techniques to celebrate are key sections of the Guide. This year, an innovative series of webinars will be held during the month. OLHCHH is also launching a smartphone app, for stakeholder audiences. For NHHM schedule updates, please visit
(Note: See the smokefree Tweet on page 21 of the NHHM Planning Guide.)
This is a great opportunity to promote smokefree resources such as:
- CDC’s page on Smokefree Homes:
- More than one in three nonsmokers who live in rental housing are exposed to secondhand smoke, and many who live in public housing are particularly vulnerable to the effects of secondhand smoke, including children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
- Tips for Maintaining a Healthy, Smokefree Home
- Implement a household rule that prohibits anyone from smoking tobacco products inside your home at any time.
- Support your family and neighbors who might need help to quit smoking.
- Talk with community leaders about ways to make units and indoor common areas in multi-unit housing smokefree.
- CDC’s Vital Signs, Secondhand Smoke: An Unequal Danger
- Visit and promote the Tips™ Partner webpage for Organizations Serving Public Housing Residents