
TFN E-News Update / June 2019

Free NRT Continues Through the Quitline

Promotional fliers are available to download and share with partners:

New Point-of-Sale Tobacco Pricing Fact Sheet and Infographic Released

Counter Tobacco, in partnership with ChangeLab Solutions, has developed a new fact sheet and infographic for local and state tobacco advocates. The piece focus on tobacco pricing policies including price and packaging minimums and prohibiting coupons, discounts and price promotions. Read more on point-of-sale pricing policies here.

Socioeconomic Differences in Cigarette Smoking Among Sociodemographic Groups

An article published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the publication, Preventing Chronic Disease, examined variations in cigarette smoking by education and poverty status in relation to characteristics such as age, race, ethnicity, region and gender. Read more here.

Tobacco Nation: An Ongoing Crisis Within States in the South and Midwest

“Tobacco Nation” remains a nation within our nation. The disproportionate share of adult smoking continues to occur in a group of 13 states that has consistently ranked in the top 25% of U.S. adult smoking since 2011. A new report from the Truth Initiative updates original findings from 2017. Read more here.

CDC: New Fact Sheets on E-Cigs & Youth

CDC has released three new fact sheets designed for specific audiences with messaging relating to youth e-cigarette use.

Additional information and resources on e-cigarettes can be found here.

June is Healthy Homes Month, Celebrate with These Smoke-Free Housing Tips

In honor of Healthy Homes month, Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights has some tips for renters looking for a safe and healthy smoke-free home. Read more here.

Another resource is this infographic from the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), highlighting things anyone can do in 5 minutes or less to make their home a healthier and safer place. Find the graphic here.

Beatrice: “My son is really proud that I quit smoking … he actually thanked me for it!”

In this Tips from Former Smokers® ad, Beatrice talks about how her decision to quit affected more than just herself.

The Case for Cessation Benefits at Work

According to the Truth Campaign, employees who smoke cost their company an average of $5,816 per year. Providing a quitting program at work, at no cost to the employee, helps recoup these losses and encourages more people to quit. Read more here.

Social & Physical Environmental Factors Associated with Current Adult Smoking

An article recently published in the journal, Preventing Chronic Disease, examined the social and physical environmental characteristics that influence adult cigarette smoking in the United States. Read more here.

Associations Between Public E-Cigarette Use and Social Norms Among Youth

A study published in Tobacco Control examined the relation between youth exposure to e-cigarette use in public and an increased curiosity and susceptibility to try. According to the findings, comprehensive tobacco-free policies in public places could protect public health and reinforce tobacco-free norms. Read more here.

YouCanQuit2 Rebrands, Continues to Provide Tools to Help Military Quit Tobacco

YouCanQuit2, a U.S. Department of Defense program designed to help members of the military quit tobacco, has updated their name, logo, look and website. A variety of resources targeted to U.S. Service members can be found here.

Study Examines Smokers’ Responses to Messaging on Risk of E-Cigs vs Cigarettes

A study published in Tobacco Control examined the difficulty of communicating to smokers that e-cigarettes deliver lower levels of harmful chemicals than combustible cigarettes. This study explored participants interpretations of the risk and health effects. Read more here.
